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"De(i)solation". (2021)

Sound work and video art.

The central theme of this sound piece is the desolation of social and personal spaces as a consequence of  the prolonged quarantine. In the context of the pandemic  that we are experiencing as a planet, measures have been taken towards social distance as a way to prevent the spread of the plague. However, this social isolation has generated disastrous consequences both in the social relations and in the inner core of human beings.


The isolation and desolation of spaces as a result of the plague have produced, especially in those who live in cities, a deep anguish. The future that seemed far away is now a desolate present that repeats itself. Uncertainty takes hold of our perspectives and everything seems to be destined for non-realization.


The obligatory solitude that expands within us despite the abundant technology that they offer to us be connected. Nothing replaces the physical contact of yesterday. There is some extreme deshumanization in that sense. While we were alone in our homes, others agonized in the solitude of the hospitals and they say goodbye to their loved ones through a screen. The irony of experiencing barbarism in a highly technological society.


Have we definitively entered a dystopia from which we will never emerge again?

This work was commissioned by “Decamp Volume:sound archive and exhibition series”, and was part of a exhibition presented in the form of a public installation in the open-air theatre in Stuttgart's Park, Germany.

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